Slack for NZ Scrabble

Slack is an online platform for NZ Scrabble players to interact with other members, keep each other informed, and message each other privately. You can also download forms and read the latest NZASP announcements. We post tournament entry forms and results, ratings updates, items of national and international news, and hints and tips to improve our games.
Email Clare to add you to Slack –


Learn how to get set up on Slack, how to get Slack to email you when new posts are made, and some of the things you can do.

Getting started with Slack

Get email notifications of new posts

Post a message in Slack

Upload an image or document to Slack

Send a direct message to another player in Slack

For those people who aren’t getting desktop notifications from Slack, it can be remedied by checking out the guide here Slack Desktop Notifications

If you want to know more, check out Slack’s excellent Help Centre.