Milestone Awards
The NZASP initiated the Milestone Awards scheme to acknowledge dedicated players who attend a large number of tournaments.
Lynn Wood proudly showing off the golden ‘5000 games’ milestone badge she received at the 2021 National Champs.
1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 |
Lyres Freeth | Roger Coates | Jean O’Brien | Betty Eriksen | Lynn Wood |
Mary Curtis | Rosemary Cleary | Liz Fagerlund | ||
Jillian Greening | Annette Coombes | Jennifer Smith | ||
Colleen Cook | Andrew Bradley | Val Mills | ||
Vicky Robertson | Anderina McLean | Howard Warner | ||
Frances Higham | Helen Sillis | John Foster | ||
Judy Driscoll | Olivia En | Glennis Hale | ||
Tony Charlton | David Gunn | |||
Antonia Aarts | ||||