Other websites
There are numerous Scrabble websites. The ones listed below have useful information for players, and often have links to other helpful resources.
Scrabble club websites in NZ
Mt Albert Scrabble Club
Tauranga Scrabble Club
Official sites of Scrabble copyright holders
Mattel’s Facebook page (outside US & Canada)
Hasbro (within US & Canada)
WESPA is the World English language Scrabble Players Association. It runs the annual WESPA Championship for the top players around the world. NZ can send up to 7 of our top-ranked players to WESPAC. There are numerous other tournaments run under the WESPA umbrella around the world, many of which are open entry.
Scrabble in other countries
Scrabble Australia
Scrabble Queensland
Scrabble Victoria
Malaysian Scrabble Association
North American Scrabble Players Association
The Association of British Scrabble Players
The Tel Aviv Scrabble Club
South African Scrabble Scene
Malta Scrabble Club