Fees & subscriptions

The financial year runs from January to December. All payments must be sent to the Treasurer or deposited into the NZASP bank account (account details available from the Treasurer).

Membership fees

Club member $10.00

Independent member $16.00

Club affiliation $20.00 – a one-time charge when a new club affiliates to NZASP.

Forwords magazine

Forwords is our excellent magazine, published 4 times a year. You can see back issues here.

All subscription prices are for 1 year (4 issues).

Email version

  • NZASP member – Free
  • Non-member $10.00

Print version – NZASP member

  • Club member – Quarterly issues sent to the club secretary on behalf of the club members – $20.00 (minimum 2 copies per quarter, otherwise $29.00 applies), includes postage.
  • Club member – Quarterly issue sent to member’s address – $29.00 (includes postage).
  • Independent member – Quarterly issue sent to member’s address – $29.00 (includes postage).

Print version – Non-member

  • Sent to address in NZ – TBA.
  • Sent to address in Australia – TBA.
  • Sent to other overseas destination – TBA.

Tournament levy

All tournaments attract a levy of $2 per person per day. This is included in the tournament entry fee by the organisers and passed on to NZASP. The levy helps to fund players representing NZ at international tournaments.
Note: Due to the lack of many International tournaments in 2020-2021 in which NZ representatives normally participate, the NZASP Executive has waived National levies for every NZ Club for their first rated tournament of 2021.